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The Hydrosense test was developed by biochemist experts and has been independently validated for Legionella testing in high-risk areas such as hospitality, cooling towers, hospitals, care homes, spas pools and fountains, shipping, domestic water systems, and much more.

RTB icon 1 - Worlds Fastest

The world's fastest Legionella test

RTB icon 3 - VBNC

Detects dangerous VBNC Legionella that labs cannot

RTB icon 5 - Real-time results

Provides real-time results – no waiting weeks for lab reports

RTB icon 2 - 25 mins

Delivers accurate on-site test results in 25 minutes

_RTB icon 4 - Easy

Anyone can carry out the tests with minimal training

RTB icon 6 - App

The free App and portal can alert duty managers automatically

Adding Hydrosense to your water management program will enable you to take immediate remedial action to get your water system safe again.  The Hydrosense solution is also ideal to test the efficacy of those works.



These Legionella test kits are our most sensitive, offering detection levels of 100 CFU/L for water tests and 200 CFU per swabbed area for swab tests. Ideal for use in countries where there are more stringent action levels required and for industries where the Legionella infection risk is high.


These Legionella test kits allow for the detection of action levels at 1,000 CFU/L and 10,000 CFU/L. The higher the concentration of Legionella antigen, the stronger the colour of the positive line will be. This can be matched against the visual scorecard, included in the test kit, to indicate the level of Legionella present.

ONE Ultra Water Single cameo v3

Hydrosense Legionella Water Test

This single-use Legionella test kit can be used to test water samples from any source on-site. It is perfect for high-risk areas including cooling towers, water tanks, decorative fountains, showers, sinks, spas and pools.

Available in Ultra and Multi.

ONE Ultra Swab Single cameo

Hydrosense Legionella Swab Test

This single-use test is an easy option for quickly sampling surface biofilms which are found inside pipework, taps, shower heads and water tanks. A majority of Legionella, if present, is known to be locked in biofilm.

Available in Ultra.

ONE Ultra Industrial cameo

Hydrosense Industrial
Test Kit

This test kit is ideal for repeated water sampling in high-risk areas. It uses our unique filter technology, isolating Legionella via standard plumbing connections (US ½inch NPT and ¾ inch BPT fittings).

Available in Ultra and Multi.


Legionella levels today are dramatically higher than before the pandemic, all industries need to test for it regularly to help minimise the ongoing risk to human health.

“Speed of response, allowing confirmation of presence/absence of Legionella during our onsite service, is the most important aspect of using the Hydrosense test method. If we suspect that there are Legionella bacteria at a certain water outlet, we can quickly check before leaving the facility. This provides our clients with additional peace of mind and allows us to save time and money. ” TERRY STANGE, PRESIDENT OF TRUSTED WATER
“Superyachts and their owners demand the best, and also want information and results as quickly as possible. The health of the owner, guests and crew is always a priority and, as they are frequently on the move between ports or countries, access to reliable and accurate information about their water supply is priceless.” PETER FIRTH BSC (BIO-CHEMISTRY) & MSC (MICROBIOLOGY) - ATLANTE MARINE SOLUTIONS
“Hydrosense tests are easy to use and they give back results in a short period of time, unlike more traditional methods like the laboratory culture test. This makes an incredible impact on efficiency.” PAOLO DA MEDA, ACQUFLEX
“After completion of a global search for Legionella testing capability that would allow our customers to get results faster than those possible in a laboratory, we selected the Hydrosense product range.​ The accuracy of the Hydrosense technology is far better than plate count when considering Viable but Non-Culturable Legionella, false negatives, recovery, and other issues. ​We are very proud to partner with Hydrosense and are delighted both with the support we receive and the product. We highly recommend it to others.” GRANT NEWHOUSE, SUSTAINABLE WATER SOLUTIONS LLC
“Clients like that the Hydrosense method allows instantaneous proactive remedial action where a positive test is confirmed because isolation and sterilisation can be carried out almost immediately. ​Clients can minimize down time and exposure to Legionella. With Hydrosense, it takes on-site personnel only 7 days to complete sterilisation and re-open an infected building.” STEVEN LEE, WEEI TA